California Rapper Magnitude 7 is Back with the Track ‘UNITY With The Center Sun’


Magnitude 7

On the latest release UNITY With The Center Sun’, Magnitude 7 has offered everything from power production to hard-hitting beats, well-written lyrics to the engaging soundscape, and due to all of these elements, this track is a must-listen. The California rapper Magnitude 7 has let the creativity run freely through this awesome musical piece which has provided an authentic feel to this that is refreshing and entrancing. The track offers realness and hints of melody that help in binding the listeners within the magical ambiance. The weighty bars set up the track perfect for the elements to follow the lead and emerge as a complete package that has the strength to allure anyone.

The artist has introduced a new kind of music through his style of rap in poetry. This unique sound design has already become quite popular among hip hop fans. Magnitude 7 has portrayed the concept of rap music touching unity through this awesome musical piece. This lyrical song is unique in terms of all the musical aspects which speak a lot about the artistry of the musician. The dynamic hip hop rhythm present within ‘UNITY With The Center Sun’ helps in keeping things together. The backdrop is perfect for the ambiance set up and the beats complement the soundscape perfectly. You can listen to more from this artist through SoundCloud. Follow the artist on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and his official website.

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