‘Overwhelmed’ by 6IX LXNER brings out the best flavors of Alt-rock with his creative perspective


North Carolina Music Artist 6IX LXNER engages audiences with his expressive Alt-rock tunes in the new single ‘Overwhelmed’ that highlights his eclectic singing style.

6IX LXNERUnbound by genre, an artist who believes in the strength of his passion to craft beautiful tracks is new age artist 6IX LXNER. The North Carolina Music Artist deserves the widely admired tag of being unique and refreshing and goes on to elevate his position in the scene by launching one hit track after the other. His vocal melody, unique perspective, and stunning artistry make his songs stand out and allure the attention of all. The ruckus the singer has created with his charming style combined with a deep vulnerability in the lyrics stuns the listeners and keeps them hooked endlessly. The genre of Alt-rock has widened over the years and the artist brings into focus his classic roots while dipping his feet to the contemporary music style. Coming out to engage his fans, the singer has recently dropped his new soundtrack titled ‘Overwhelmed’ that not just explores the best of Alt-rock but also combines rock, pop, punk-rock, grunge, and other intriguing sounds. The singer is blessed with a gorgeous upbeat vocal tone which he uses stylistically to portray his genuine emotion. Leading with a steady tempo, catchy melodies, vulnerable lyricism, and passionate fusion of guitar and drum sounds, the song intrigues from the very start and gifts a timeless hook to rejoice.

6IX LXNER is a polished Alt-rock singer whose eclectic singing style appeals for numerous reasons. His songs grasp the raw emotion and the verses are crafted to denote his innermost feelings. What makes his new song so addictive and great is the unique punk-rock style that the singer has meticulously infused to showcase his strong production skills. The result is a song that feels and sounds engaging with atmospheric beats placed strategically throughout the track to lure everyone into a familiar sound design. ‘Overwhelmed’ is an excellent song to listen to as the heart starts to sink due to pain or lack of motivation. The vocalist has the perfect amount of rage and determination in his voice that helps the words to wrap around easily. The single is sure to rise in the charts for its brilliant and addictive sudden energy and fullness. Hear out the full soundtrack on Soundcloud and Spotify, and follow the singer on Instagram for more details.

Don’t forget to listen to this track on SoundCloud:
