Solo Houston Music Producer Jfons’ Song ‘There’s No Telling’ Is an Impeccable Creative Course



Musician jfons is recreating a mixed bag of musical and lyrical symbiosis through the progression of his soundscape. His song, ‘There’s No Telling’ is a captivating saga that takes the audience into a stream of consciousness and realization. Extracting notes and styles from the genres of R&B, hip hop, smooth pop, and more, they have created a crossover musical scope that is progressive and all-inclusive. The song carves a thematic sculpture compelling the audience to groove and empathize. Artist Jfons Enard’s dynamic approach also results in a captivating production design and arrangement giving the song the best auditory outcome. His music aims at normalizing racial integration and pave the way for a society that will be acceptable to all.

There's No Telling.mp3

The Houston music producer is associated with the production label Narja Ent. which is the best platform for him to showcase his talents. ‘There’s No Telling’ adds to his vision of a society in harmony filled with acceptance. Some of his other songs exemplifying this hybrid sound and style include ‘Christmas is my favorite holiday’, ‘Holiday with family’, ‘Sounds from Tuesday morning’, and ‘I can be that guy’. He has had a career filled with music and melodies as he continues to put together his vision into a compelling stream of creative components. From his lyrical mannerisms to production arrangements, everything has its own identity. Follow jfons on TwitterInstagram, and Facebook to know more about his works.

Please visit here to listen to the song of Jfons: