Record Coronavirus Deaths Are Confronted By The US As They Are ‘Heartbroken’ And ‘Numb’



Image Credit – Times Of India


A proud daughter of the immigrants, Lillian Blancas was a fighter and was part of the first generation in her own family who has attended college and was also a lawyer in Texas and was on the threshold of fulfilling her dreams and was hoping to be a judge.

But as luck would have it, Blancas died at the age of 47 alone in a secluded room in a hospital last week. It happened just before the runoff election on Saturday where she has been the favorite and became part of the grim cascade of unfortunate Americans who died because of the coronavirus pandemic as the raging pandemic has gone out of control. There have been more than 3,000 deaths that have been reported on Wednesday for the very first time since the time the pandemic started.

Her sister has said that they are completely heartbroken and devastated. Gabriele Tiemann used to stare at Blancas through the glass doors in the hospital’s room and wished to stroke her hair for one last time.

3,055 people have died and added to the tally of fresh daily death record and it is well over the spring peak of 2,752 that happened in April. It is a stunning embodiment of the toll due to the pandemic. The country was divided and numbed in a single day and has lost most Americans to the deadly coronavirus that were killed in the attack on Pearl Harbor and the 9/11 terror attacks.

Catherine Troisi is from the UTHealth School of Public health of Houston and is a well-known epidemiologist for infectious diseases has said that she is left crying on seeing the faces of the victims of coronavirus on the ‘PBS NewsHour’ and they have been expecting that the death toll will accelerate in various parts because the current numbers are not a reflection of infection resulting from the crowd gathering on Thanksgiving Day.

She also said that the worst situation is still to come in the coming two or three weeks. But everything that happens after that is solely dependent on the behavior of people today.

More new cases of hospitalization and deaths are recorded in the country than ever before. There have been deaths of more than 290,000 people due to pandemic in the USA.

Covid-19 has surpassed cancer and heart disease as one of the leading killers in the United States with the present average of more than 2,200 deaths every day. On average, 1800 people die each day of heart disease and the death toll due to cancer is 1640 according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 2018 according to the latest full data available.

During another week, the ongoing rage of the virus has taken the lives of the old and the young, the sick and healthy, the ordinary and the prominent people who are known best by those people who loved them.