GameStop Decided To Release DOOM Eternal A Day Earlier Than Animal Crossing To Prevent Crowding


Image Credits – Extreme Tech

Coolest game DOOM Eternal had fans praising all over the globe with an early release on March 19 rather than on March 20 due to home isolation regulations. Now Fans of the ravenous demon slayer, had picked up their copy of DOOM Eternal at GameStop last week without much crowding as in an intended move by GameStop, who had decided to release Animal Crossing a day later on 20th march to avoid massive crowd gathering at the stores on March 20.

With some convincing and negotiation with Bethesda and id Software, the publisher and the developer of the game, it was decided that DOOM Eternal will be released by GameStop today to help avoid crowds for Animal Crossing. Fans can have back to back exciting days of gaming with two new thrilling games DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

The two titles had seen crossover fan arts; portraying the Marine and Isabelle having a good time together which had the fans go gaga over them creating a brand new fandom. And with separate release dates, fans had jokingly called it a ‘messy divorce’ between the two titles. With long days of home quarantine, both games are going to take up most of the time of many gamers for sure, but the memes have.

Although it is not confirmed but it’s more likely because of the developer’s negotiation that DOOM Eternal was released a day earlier than Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Though DOOM Eternal and Animal Crossing: New Horizons were the most talked about games that were released for 2020, it was a smart move to separate the fan crowds ensuring public health, as it could have resulted in mass infection amid the pandemic crisis.

Despite few false claims of delayed release of Animal Crossing: New Horizons, the company assured the fans of these baseless rumors.

This created a minor effect in the digital purchase field as some gamers had considered canceling their digital pre-order to play the games as soon as possible. GameStop employees were present on both days as they needed to deal with the customer and the money in the crisis. Keeping the store open in this situation, GameStop had been criticized for their actions taken for the health of their employees.