Famous YouTuber PewDiePie has come out responding to the uproar of his fans about the end of his Minecraft Series


Image Credits – Happy Gamer

Fans finally get to know as the popular YouTuber PewDiePie responds to the uproar about the end of his Minecraft Series.

All of this had started last year and it was only officially going to play the game for a mere a week. But, PewDiePie got engaged to the game and continue playing the series long after his gaming week getting completed.

The famous YouTuber created many memes through his time playing and he even in his attempt to beat the game that kept him entertained beat both the Wither as well as the Ender Dragon.

But he did not stop there and continue getting the texture packs and also a plugin which enabled him to fight himself in the game, including his chair.

The first official video of this game series was uploaded way back in June of 2019 and he mainly focused on enjoying the changes that have been brought in to the game, including horses and various other mobs being added to it.

In the last week, Felix had uploaded a video titled ‘Bye Bye Minecraft’. In this video, PewDiePie or Felix had stated that that was going to be his last Minecraft video for a while as he wanted to start playing the other games, the example of which was given through the latest Terraria update.

Felix had also stated that since he had nothing else left to play in Minecraft, and also agreed with the commentators about his recent episodes being a little bit dragging. He states that since he is taking care of moving and finishing up on the new bees update in the last episode that he doesn’t have anything left to do in the world.

The viewers will now have to bid bye to Sven and Jorgen at least for some time, until and unless a new content comes to the Java edition.

PewDiePie has stated during one of the LWIAY videos that he still plans to continue to play Minecraft but they won’t be weekly episodes as he feels the content is getting a bit dry.

One of the most interesting ideas that were provided to PewDiePie during the streaming of this video is the idea of uploading his BroLand, Minecraft world saves in order to see what the fans could do with the world itself.

Felix also took interest in the idea but also stated that the world file is pretty large and he would have to find a platform for hosting the big file that is also accessible to his fans.