Nintendo Announced Min Min from ARMS To Be Its Next Fighters Pass Character In Super Smash Bros. Ultimate


Image Credits – Happy Gamer

Last month Nintendo’s Masahiro Sakurai made an important announcement regarding The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Fighters Pass Volume 2. The all time popular franchise is going to introduce a new character to the players.

According to the announcement, Min Min from ARMS has been released as the next fighters pass character in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. Sakurai has also revealed an in-depth look at Min Min’s capabilities in the final DLC pack.

Because of the new social norms, Sakurai had to record his message from his home in Japan on May 2nd and it was made public later on June 22nd.

He stated that The Super Smash Bros. team is working from home and he is also supervising the work from his home. He also mentioned that Min Min is to be the first fighter for Fighters Pass Volume 2.

Min Min is from the action fighting game ARMS, which made its way to Switch soon after its release. In this slow-paced arena fighting game, Characters use long-range attacks hitting the opponents with their extendable arms.

Though fans were expecting a major character for the final DLC pack, the developers decided to go for Min Min for their number one selling fighting game of all time.

Nintendo has been introducing lesser-known characters to their title for quite sometimes surprising the entire global gaming community.

Earlier when the final fighter from the first Fighters Pass was about to be announced most fans were expecting characters like Dante from Devil May Cry, Hayabusa from Ninja Gaiden, or Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Some even regarded Nintendo specific characters like Waluigi as a possible candidate.

But Nintendo shocked everyone by announcing Byleth, another Fire Emblem character to the chosen one adding to the vast collection of characters from this Nintendo franchise.

The same thing happened this time. While everyone was speculating about some major character Nintendo delivered a hardly known character like Min Min from an unknown Switch title in the next Fighter Pass.

Min Min from ARMS uses extendable arms to attack the opponents from afar, being a long-range fighter. She also has the ability to swap between three different kinds of arms. She is also provided with her original stage and 18 music tracks originally from ARMS.

Min Min is among the six DLC fighters included in the expanding Smash Bros. roster. The pack of all six fighters of the Fighter Pass will cost $30. Players can also purchase Min Min individually at the cost of $6.

Players can purchase and add the Min Min character to their Smash Bros. Roster right now.