The fourth content of Risk of Rain 2’s New Artifact System has lived up to the expectations


Image Credits – HappyGamer

Lately, Hoppo Games have been pretty busy in adding some great content to their action-rogue like title, Risk of Rain 2. The developers recently announced about making their title free to play from this Monday to Thursday for its 1st anniversary.

And with this, there are all the chances of them moving out of early access. The Steam page mentions that they are looking to stay in early access for twelve months and with the first anniversary, fans can expect to see the full version of the game.

In the development process of the full game, Hoppo Games have brought in some huge updates to the title. Risk of Rain 2’s new artifact system is live with the fourth content update! The fourth update has brought in a new system of Artifacts that can change completely change the behavior of the game and also add some new things.

Hoppo wrote on their Steam update: ‘The hunt is on! Be the first to explore the planet and find the secret to unlock 16 powerful and mysterious Artifacts that will dramatically change the way you play. We expect Artifacts to be the biggest feature to date in terms of replayability to all players.’

All in all, there are 16 artifacts: Honor, Soul, Death, Enigma, Spite, Dissonance, Chaos, Vengeance, Metamorphosis, Frailty, Evolution, Glass, Kin, Sacrifice, Command, and Swarms. Each of the Artifacts is designed with its unique effect that can radically change the gaming experience. These are pretty similar to the famous Skills on Halo, but more drastic. Players need to unlock these Artifacts, in order to see their functions.

There are more additions to the title, apart from these 16 Artifacts. A new Hidden Realm and Boss have also been added, and neither of them intends to explain anything so that the fans can find them on their own. Also, five skill variants have been added: Commando Utility, Huntress Primary, Acrid Utility, Acrid Passive, and Engineer Utility.

Two new monsters have also been introduced – Mini Mushrum and Parent. Eight new items have also been included – a new chest, five new character challenges, three general challenges, three environment logs, and eight more lore entries.

These updates are massive and need spending to explore these as well. It would certainly be worthy of jumping over to the Steam page and read everything properly, in order to be properly prepared for the next run. Well, Hoppo isn’t certainly going to disclose everything on the Steam page and there are still many things that can only be discovered by playing it.