Elemental Damage Weapons Are Discussed By Blizzard In The Game Of World Of Warcraft: Classic




The effect has been working as intended and the effect has also been bugged for the game World of Warcraft: Classic. The game is dedicated to remaining entirely faithful to the experience of Vanilla as much as it can. This thing can come off in the most fantastic of ways as some excellent nostalgia is provided. It has been quite a difficult gameplay for those players who very much want to recapture the experience and the feelings of the game for the first time.

Nevertheless, it has got another way to manifest itself by having some of the bugs that are original as well as from the glitches from the pop up of Vanilla in the new experience of Classic. When this is going to happen, some of them are fixed by Blizzards but generally, they are left there to remain more faithful. Blizzard Discusses Elemental Damage Weapons In World Of Warcraft: Classic, Stating The Effect Is Both Bugged And Working As Intended.

On the surface, this may sound bizarre as a developer is leaving a bug willingly in a place only for the fact that once the other players had to deal with the same thing. So the question that arises is that is it going to make much more sense as far as the developers are concerned so that this opportunity is taken and the problem is fixed that could not be done before.

Irrespective of the fact that the logic might appear to sound to go in favor of the case, Blizzard has completely dedicated itself to bring the experience of Vanilla back as have been promised by them. Generally speaking, players are already a big fan of this entire thing as the title does not have the same buff of double-XP that is already there with the Retail servers that have been viewed in the most favored way.

But things can get a bit confusing sometimes, that can lead Blizzard as it is needed by them to step in. This can lead to issues that can arise regarding the extra elemental damage that is supposed to be dealt with by a handful of weapons as the extra damage are not been able to be seen by the players.

According to a Twitter post that came from Wowhead which stated that the extra elemental damage has been clarified by Blizzard from various weapons like Thunderfury and it has been working as intended while unintuitive in WoWClassic.

This particularly deals with various weapons like Blessed Blade of the Windseeker, the legendary Thunderfury, Warblade of Caer Darrow, and Iceblade Hacker. The bug in question has been publicly discussed by Blizzard as they are reporting to a report created by a user.

They went on to state that they are taking a moment as they wish to clarify that the extra elemental damage that is done from weapons such as Warblade of Caer Darrow, Iceblade Hacker, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker and Thunderfury is behaving quite as expected in the WoW Classic and additional damage that is non-physical is not caused to the target.

It has been clarified by Blizzard that extra damage is still inflicted by these weapons as has been stated, but this has also been added to the damage that is being dealt with and it has led not being separately present in the combat log. The damage has instead been calculated as something of physical damage that is additional.

The confusion has been further fuelled as the damage will be displayed by the combat log if an enemy blocks it with an elemental shield. While it has been admitted by the Blizzard that this is not going to be quite intuitive, it has also been stated by them that it has been working as it is intended despite being a bug technically.

It has also stated that the way the weapons function ultimately is a very old bug or a quirk with how the original version of World of Warcraft has been built. They have also stated further that however definitely unintuitive and strange they are all these weapons have been behaving the same way as they have been doing in the original game and we have got no further intention to change them so that they behave in a different pattern in the WoW Classic.