Why You Should Get Out Of Town for a Yoga Teacher Training


In every way, yoga has become a way of leading a peaceful and healthy life. Most of the yoga practitioners attain yoga training amidst their busy life. However, undergoing such training in a foreign land or from a place away from your home and people is a way to explore new ways in your life. By doing this you actually create your own small world, where you meet new people, learn new things and also attain knowledge. The energy and spirituality you will experience are totally different from the yoga training you would attain from your home.

For ‘During an immersive Yoga teacher training, the sadhaka (spiritual seeker) should be able to eat, drink, sleep and dream only of Yoga’- Anna Laurita, the founder/owner of davannayoga in Puerto Vallarta yoga, Mexico. She offers Yoga Teacher training in Mexico at 200 and 500-hour level to aspiring yoga practitioners from all over the world. From her training sessions, numerous learners have attained a new dimension in their lives. One of her students said ‘I am so glad I did this training away from home. I got so much out of the program by being away from my daily responsibilities.”

The following reasons highlight why you should take your Yoga Teacher Training away from home-

An opportunity to Gain more Knowledge:

It is very natural that at home you have many other responsibilities, be it looking after your family or completing official assignments. While taking training in a different place will keep your focus only at the task (in this case Yoga). You will have a free mind to absorb as many information you can gather and at the same time, you will not feel exhausted.

A New Experience:

Undergoing spiritual yoga training in a different place provides you with a new experience.  Everything about the place is new, from food to language, people, and weather and so on. A new place will teach you a new way of your leading life.

You will Attain Happy and Healthier Habits:

From attaining healthy food habits to bringing alteration in body language, such training outside your home will give you a chance to reform yourself. The healing practices of spiritual yoga will help in stress management and help you lead a balanced life.

Have a look at the official website of davannayoga at www.davannayoga.com. Also if you have other queries get in touch with Anna Laurita at anna@davannayoga.com